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Abdul Hamid Adnan
Tengku lntan Marlina Tengku Mohd. Ali


P. Ramlee ialah seorang penggubah muzik Melayu yang berbakat dan prolifik. Penglibatan beliau sebagai seorang penggubah lagu di Malaysia sangat berkait rapat dengan filem Malaysia, di mana dia terlibat secara aktif. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk menilai khusus kepada lirik yang difikirkan oleh beliau. Penulis menganalisis lirik melalui teknik ikonistik yang ditafsirkan sebagai menyumbang kepada elemen fizikal, psikologi, sosial, dan ekonomi. Semua teknik yang digunakan dalam lirik telah digunakan didasarkan pada teori semiotik Charles Sanders Pierce (1831- 1914). Teori ini menekankan sistem triadik, iai tu representamen, interpretant, dan objek dan berkembang kepada tiga trikotomi Peircien. Tiga trikotomi yang dimaksudkan ini ialah ikon, indeks, dan simbol sebagai trikotomi kedua (Secondness) , tanda-tanda yang berkaitan dengan qualisign, sinsign, dan legisign sebagai trikotomi pertama (Firstness). Peirce juga mencatatkan bahawa terdapat tanda-tanda seperti rheme, discisign dan argument sebagai trikotomi ketiga (Thirdne$s). Semua tanda ini muncul dalam fikiran penulis ketika mentafsir lirik lagu-lagu P. Ramlee. Penelitian penulisan ini menggunakan dua kaedah dalam menganalisis data, iaitu melalui kaedah kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Kaedah kualitatif meliputi analisis data yang diperolehi daripada analisis lirik dan kaedah kuantitatif melibatkan tafsiran data.

P. Ramlee was a talented and prolific Malay musician. His accomplishment as a Malay musician was closely connected to Malay movies in which he had been actively involved. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the speciality in the lyrics which were composed by him. The researcher analysed the lyrics, via the iconistic techniques interpreted as contributing to elements of physical, psychology, social, and economics. All the techniques used in the lyrics have been utilised based on the semiotics theory of Charles Sanders Pierce (I 831- 1914). This theory emphasized the usage of triadic system such as representamen, interpretant, and objects which are related to the theory trichotomies when Peircean revealed of the significant signs such as icon, index, and symbol as second trichotomy, the signs that are related with the signs such as qualisign, sinsign, and legisign as the first trichotomy. He also noted that the signs such as rheme, dicisign and argument as the third trichotomy. All these signs appeared in the mind of the researcher when interpretating the lyrics of P. Ramlee. The research has used two methods in analyzing the data that of quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative method involves the analysis of data which are obtained from the lyrics and the quantitative method involves the interpretation of the data.


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Adnan, A. H., & Tengku Mohd. Ali, T. lntan M. (2010). ANALISIS SEMIOTIK URIK LAGU-LAGU GUBAHAN P. RAMLEE: A SEMIOTIC LYRIC ANALYSIS OF P. RAMLEE’S SONGS. Jurnal Pengajian Melayu (JOMAS), 21(1), 1–17. Retrieved from