The representation of Islamic Teaching in The novels By HaBiBurrahman el Shirazy (The Study of Literary Sociology, Literary Reception, and Education Values)
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The study is mainly focuses on the representative of the Islamic concepts on the novels written by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. It aim to explain the Islamic concepts laid inside the Ayat-ayat Cinta (AAC) and Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (KCB) novels which consist of the representative of Islamic belief, Islamic law (the acts of devotion and the muamalah), Islamic morals, the aspects of Islamic social culture consists of the author’s ideology and the reader’s response on the impacts and the benefits of the AAC and KCB novels toward the society, and the education values delivered by the AAC and KCB novels. The education values consist of the social, the morals, and the cultural values on the novels. The method used on this study is qualitative descriptive method. The result of the study is that the AAC and KCB novels consist of the high of the education values and Islamic concepts which are implemented on the Islamic belief, Islamic law (the acts of devotion and the muamalah), and Islamic morals.
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