Sparking off Ideas for Creative Writing
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Many students, particularly those from Asian countries, find writing tedious and unpleasant. They find it difficult to get ideas that can spur them to write. Most of the time, they say that they have no idea on what to write. As educators, we have to find ways to make writing enjoyable and this will motivate and inspire them to engage in writing. With the right encouragement and guidance, writing can be very enjoyable. This paper explores the techniques the writer employed to help her young daughter to obtain ideas that spur her to write creatively. At the age of twelve, the latter published a series of eight stories which she wrote when she was nine. She has just published a second collection of another eight stories. It is important to create plenty of opportunities to develop writing interest. Old stories that have been told and retold for generations can be updated to create new modern stories that reflect the modern time. This technique is particularly useful for students who find it difficult to come up with original ideas. Real life experiences whether of the writer or of those around him can be a rich source of inspiration. The trick is to use all the senses and to be alert to the surroundings so that ideas can come easily. The mass media such as the television and the Internet is an important resource to find ideas on writing. Moreover, the imagination of the writer can spark off many interesting and novel ideas.
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