Sirkulasi Majalah Melayu Selepas Perang: Pertimbangan Ekonomi Penerbitan Circulation of Malay Magazines After the War: Economic Considerations of Publishing
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This article deals with three main elements in magazine publishing, namely editorial, advertising and circulation.The focus of the study is on Malay magazines, published between 1900 to 1957, the year Malaya got theirindependent from the British. Two hundred and sixty five magazines were published during the period, with 120magazines published before the Second World War, while the rest published between 1945 up to August 1957.This study shows that only editorial were given serious attention by the publishers, while elements of advertisementand circulation were almost ignored. As such, the life span of most magazines were short, especially thosepublished before the War. However, aspects of economic publishing were given more serious attention after theWar, where consequently, the life span of the magazines were much longer.
Artikel ini membincangkan tiga elemen utama dalam penerbitan majalah, iaitu editorial, pengiklanan dan edaran. Tumpuan kajian adalah pada majalah Melayu, yang diterbitkan antara tahun 1900 hingga 1957, tahun Tanah Melayu bergantung kepada British. Dua ratus enam puluh lima majalah diterbitkan dalam tempoh tersebut, dengan 120 majalah diterbitkan sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua, sementara selebihnya diterbitkan antara tahun 1945 hingga Ogos 1957. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa hanya editorial yang diberi perhatian serius oleh penerbit, sementara elemen iklan dan peredaran hampir tidak diendahkan. Oleh itu, jangka hayat kebanyakan majalah tidak lama, terutama yang diterbitkan sebelum Perang. Walau bagaimanapun, aspek penerbitan ekonomi diberi perhatian lebih serius setelah Perang, di mana akibatnya, jangka hayat majalah jauh lebih lama.
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