Pengekalan Nilai-Nilai Dominan Masyarakat Melalui Unsur Estetika Filem: Kajian Dua Buah Filem Melayu The Preservation of the Dominant Values of Society through the Aesthetic Elements of Film: A Study of Two Malay Films
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The process of socialization is important to unite the society in any country. This process refers to the phenomenon that society begins to accept social characteristics as well as learn ways of thinking and acting that are assumed to be appropriate in society (Bilton et al., 1989: 14). This process looks at all activities in human society. In daily life, we learn ways to think and act in accordance with the values and desires of society on an ongoing basis.
Proses sosialisasi penting untuk menyatukan masyarakat di dalam mana-mana negara. Proses ini merujuk kepada fenomena hahawa masyarakat mula menerima ciri-ciri sosial serta mempelajari cara-cara berfikir dan bertindak yang diandaikan sesuai dalam masyarakat (Bilton et al., 1989:14). Proses ini melihat semua aktiviti dalam masyarakat manusia. Dalam kehidupan seharian, kita mempelajari cara-cara berlikir serta bertindak yang bersesuaian dengan nilai dan kehendak masyarakat secara berlanjutan.
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