Muzik Intidiri: Ekspresi Komunikasi Manusia dengan al-Khalik Intidiri Music: The Expression of Human Communication with the al-Khalik
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The culture of globalization of today is supposed to place human beings united even on their respective differing concepts. It is very difficult to get uniformity from various cultures but that diversity is the most important thing raised as a special value of universal humanity among human beings. Therefore, human beings need to perpetuate the relationship in the most subtle way, the most real in the system of life and meaning to avoid confusion and misunderstanding due to various beliefs and cultural beliefs.
Budaya globalisasi masa ini sepatutnya meletakkan manusia bersatu walaupun pada konsep masing-masing yang berbeza-beza. Sangat sukar untuk mendapatkan keseragaman daripada pelbagai budaya tetapi aneka ragam itulah yang paling penting diangkat sebagai nilai istimewa kemanusiaan sejagat sesama manusia. Justeru itu, manusia perlu mengabadikan hubungan dengan cara paling halus, paling nyata pada sistem kehidupan dan makna bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan dan salah faham akibat pelbagai fahaman dan anutan budaya.
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