JuPiDi: Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan https://jupidi.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI Faculty of Education en-US JuPiDi: Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan 2289-9669 KEPIMPINAN TEKNOLOGI PEMIMPIN PERTENGAHAN DAN PENERIMAAN TEKNOLOGI MUDAH ALIH DALAM KALANGAN GURU SEKOLAH MENENGAH – SATU TINJAUAN AWAL https://jupidi.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/58879 <p>Various studies on educational leadership focus on principals rather than the role of middle leaders, who are also the backbone of educational leadership. While principals will typically set the vision or mission of today’s digital education, the reality is that they rely heavily on a team of middle leaders to effectuate it. This reliance is because the middle leaders can directly lead teachers to determine their eventual success. In other words, middle leaders are more capable of influencing teachers to use mobile technology devices as a practice in the classroom because of their uniqueness and daily interaction with teachers, especially in daily instructional matters. Thus, this study aims to examine the level of technology leadership of middle leaders and the adoption of mobile technology. Subsequently, this study examined the relationship between technology leadership and teachers’ acceptance of mobile technology. A quantitative approach has been chosen in this study. The survey was conducted at a school in Padang Terap District with 30 respondents, using the Technology Leadership Adopted by Middle Leaders questionnaire by Leong et al. (2016) and the Adoption of Mobile Technology by Mohd Norakmar (2021). Descriptive analysis revealed that the technological leadership level of middle leaders was high (M = 3.80, SP = 0.51). Likewise, their level of acceptance of mobile technology was also high (M = 4.11, SP = 0.34). Meanwhile, Pearson’s correlation test showed a strong positive correlation between mid-level leaders’ technology leadership and mobile technology adoption (r = 0.75, p = 0.00). Therefore, every middle leader must build the character of a technology leader, especially to become an icon to teachers in the acceptance of mobile technology, to survive the current era of digital education, and to mitigate difficulties in manifesting educational changes.</p> Anita Md Saman Khalip Musa Rosnah Ishak Dayang Rafidah Syariff M. Fuad Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 11 4 1 12 PENGURUSAN PENDIDIKAN KANAK-KANAK BERKEPERLUAN KHAS DI SEKOLAH AWAM: KAJIAN KES KANAK-KANAK AUTISME DI INDONESIA https://jupidi.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/58901 <p>This study examines the management of the education of autistic children in public schools in Indonesia, where most schools are unequipped with special facilities or support for special education. Inclusive education in Indonesia aims to provide equal access to all students, including children with autism. However, implementing inclusive education in public schools faces various challenges, such as the lack of trained teachers in special education, the absence of individual education programs, and the lack of adaptation in teaching strategies. Based on a case study of a five-year-old autistic child in a public school in Sulawesi, this study examines the challenges faced by autistic children in adapting to a school environment that is not responsive to their special needs. Data were collected through observation, semi-structured interviews with parents, and document analysis. The study’s findings show that teachers' lack of knowledge about teaching strategies for autistic children hinders the active participation of these students in class and affects their academic and social development. This study also identifies special training needs for teachers and provides recommendations to improve the implementation of inclusive education for children with autism in public schools in Indonesia.</p> Yohan Kurniawan Lisfarika Napitupulu Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 11 4 13 31 MEMIMPIN DENGAN CEMERLANG: PERANAN PENGETUA DALAM MENGHASILKAN PENGURUSAN SEKOLAH YANG BERKESAN https://jupidi.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/58907 <p>This study seeks to describe the implementation of effective school management based on principals’ leadership at a private high school in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A principal who practices effective management can contribute to the development of high-achieving students, as the school can fully optimize its role as an institution fulfilling educational, economic, humanitarian, social, political, and cultural functions. One critical factor supporting effective school management is the principal's leadership, particularly in decision-making, communication, staff direction and development, problem-solving, and the evaluation of school activities. Data collection methods include questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis. Furthermore, the study’s results proved that the principal had implemented effective school management by building a culture and integrating leadership concepts with technology. However, the leadership practice still does not fully meet the management indicators that should focus on achieving goals through the adequate use of technology. Therefore, it is hoped that an applicable leadership model will emerge to create more effective management and address existing limitations.</p> Akhmad Hanama Siti Atwano Pisriwati Deny Hadi Siswanto Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 11 4 32 40 PENGARUH MEDIATOR KOMUNITI PEMBELAJARAN PROFESIONAL KE ATAS KEPIMPINAN INSTRUKSIONAL PENGETUA DAN EFIKASI KENDIRI GURU DALAM KALANGAN GURU MRSM https://jupidi.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/58909 <p>This study investigates principals’ instructional leadership and its impact on the professional learning community (PLC) and teacher self-efficacy (TSE) among MRSM teachers. It also examines whether the PLC mediates the relationship between the dimensions of instructional leadership and teacher self-efficacy. The study involved 304 MRSM teachers, with 107 males (35.2%) and 197 females (64.8%), selected through stratified random sampling. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 27 and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS software. The findings revealed that all three dimensions of instructional leadership-goal setting, fostering a positive climate, and managing instructional programs were highly rated. Data collected via an online questionnaire showed a significant relationship between principal instructional leadership and the development of a PLC. Effective instructional leadership by principals also positively influenced teacher self-efficacy. It also stresses developing teachers’ professional skills, with effective leadership crucial for educational excellence. In conclusion, the study confirms that strong instructional leadership by principals is vital for enhancing both the PLC and teacher self-efficacy, leading to better educational outcomes in MRSM schools. The research underscores the importance of goal setting, fostering a positive school climate, managing instructional programs in building a successful PLC, and boosting teacher self-confidence. Additionally, it identifies key elements of a strong PLC such as shared leadership, a collaborative culture, and reflective dialogue that significantly contribute to teacher self-efficacy. The PLC also mediates the relationship between instructional strategies, student engagement, classroom management, and teacher self-efficacy. Overall, this study enhances our understanding of how principals’ instructional leadership practices can shape PLC and teacher self-efficacy, offering valuable insights for school leaders and education stakeholders in cultivating a PLC culture that improves teacher effectiveness and educational quality.</p> Eva Rosaini Sarah Alai Zuraidah Abdullah Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 11 4 41 62 EFIKASI KENDIRI GURU DAN KEBERKESANAN SEKOLAH DI SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN DI SELANGOR, MALAYSIA https://jupidi.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/58910 <p>Teachers are crucial agents in education, responsible for supporting the best needs of students and requiring confidence and self-belief to overcome obstacles in achieving established goals. With the shift in Malaysian education reforms from examination-oriented practices to classroom-based assessments, teachers must possess strong confidence and belief to handle this significant responsibility. Teacher self-efficacy is a crucial element that helps them adapt to these changes and enhances their performance. A cross-sectional study was conducted in national primary schools in Selangor, Malaysia, involving 382 teachers selected through stratified random sampling. The survey instrument used was the Teacher’s Self-Efficacy by Tschannen-Moran and Hoy (2001) and the seven School Effectiveness correlations adapted from research in Malaysia. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to determine the mean, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was applied to assess the relationship between teacher self-efficacy and school effectiveness. The findings revealed that teacher self-efficacy and school effectiveness were very high, with a moderate relationship between the two variables (r = .386). These findings indicate that teacher self-efficacy is critical for effectively and creatively performing their duties. Furthermore, these findings can assist the Malaysian Ministry of Education and related bodies in developing and designing modules emphasizing teacher self-efficacy, which could further enhance teacher self-efficacy and school effectiveness across various educational institutions.</p> Bavanee Gopal Kenny Cheah Soon Lee Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 11 4 63 76