Experimental Set Up for Low-angle X-ray Scattering System used for the Characterization of Materials

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Hussein N.A
Shukri A
Tajuddin A.A


Elastic X-ray scattering at low angles will give rise to diffraction patterns of unique signatures that can be exploited in the identification of various materials. The design criteria for setting up a low angle X-ray scattering system (LAXS) and its parameters of influence will be discussed individually. The LAXS system under construction at the School of Physics, USM, will be introduced.


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How to Cite
N.A, H., A, S., & A.A, T. (2002). Experimental Set Up for Low-angle X-ray Scattering System used for the Characterization of Materials. Malaysian Journal of Science, 21, 77–81. Retrieved from https://jupidi.um.edu.my/index.php/MJS/article/view/8862
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