SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History <p><img src="" alt="" width="185" height="255" align="left" /></p> <p><strong>SEJARAH, the journal of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, is a blind peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal published twice a year in April/May and October/November. SEJARAH covers a wide range of topics in history with a strong emphasis on Malaysian and Southeast Asian history.</strong></p> <p> </p> en-US (Associate Professor Dr. Arba'iyah Mohd Noor) (Dr. Muhammad Nu'man Mohd Nasir, Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 16:21:03 +0800 OJS 60 CRAFTING STABILITY IN SICHUAN: MIGRATION STRATEGIES AND REGIONAL GOVERNANCE UNDER HONGWU (1368-1398) AND KANGXI (1661-1722) <p>This study explores the divergent migration policies of the Ming and Qing dynasties in Sichuan, a region grappling with severe population decline and land barrenness during the late Yuan and early Ming periods, as well as the late Ming and early Qing eras. The study compares the contrasting approaches of the Ming Dynasty under Hongwu and the Qing Dynasty under Kangxi, focusing on their strategies for managing population relocation and land reclamation.&nbsp;Under Hongwu, the Ming Dynasty adopted a strict and punitive approach to migration. The “Zhongdian Zhiguo” (strict governance) and the “Weisuo Zhidu” (guardhouse system) were implemented to relocate criminals and military personnel to Sichuan. These measures aimed to enforce order and control, reflecting Hongwu’s broader strategy of maintaining authority through coercion and rigorous oversight. In contrast, the Qing Dynasty under Kangxi favoured a more supportive and incentivising approach. The 1690 “Regulations on Naturalisation in Sichuan” offered land reclamation incentives to homeless individuals, promoting voluntary migration and integration. This policy sought to stabilise and develop Sichuan by encouraging settlement and land cultivation through positive reinforcement rather than punitive measures.&nbsp;The research provides a comparative analysis of these strategies, illustrating how the Ming Dynasty’s focus under Hongwu on control and punishment differed from the Qing Dynasty’s emphasis under Kangxi on support and incentives. This examination reveals the impact of differing governance ideologies on regional development and offers insights into the evolution of migration policies and their effects on Sichuan’s long-term stability and growth.</p> Cao Maoting, Boon Dar Ku Copyright (c) 2024 SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DEATH BY DESSERT: SERIKAYA IN 16TH CENTURY MELAKA AND ITS TRANSMISSION TO PORTUGAL <p style="font-weight: 400;">There is an ongoing debate about whether the dessert <em>serikaya </em>originated in Portugal or Southeast Asia.&nbsp; This article proposes that an account about <em>serikaya </em>in 16<sup>th</sup> Century Melaka from <em>Oriental Ethiopia </em>by João dos Santos supports the view that <em>serikaya </em>was present in Southeast Asia before the arrival of the Portuguese.&nbsp; In the account, a woman attempts to kill the Bishop of Melaka with a dish of poisoned <em>serikaya</em> that is described in a way that indicates that the dessert was popular in Melaka but not known in Portugal.&nbsp; According to a recipe note from the Convent of Santa Clara in Elvas, Portugal the recipe for the dessert was likely passed from Melaka to Goa to Portugal and adapted along the way.&nbsp; The significance of this finding is that <em>Ethiopia Oriental </em>provides one the oldest extant sources about <em>serikaya </em>and lends support to the view that the cosmopolitan culinary culture of Melaka and Southeast Asia influenced the culinary culture of Portugal and beyond.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Stephen D Lawrence, Nur Dayana Mohamed Ariffin Copyright (c) 2024 SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 LANGKAH-LANGKAH DALAM PEMBANTERASAN KEGIATAN DAN PERDAGANGAN CANDU DI NEGERI-NEGERI MELAYU BERSEKUTU (NNMB), 1911-1920 <p>Artikel ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang usaha-usaha pembanterasan kegiatan dan perdagangan candu yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan NNMB dari tahun 1911 hingga 1920. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan berfokuskan Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu (NNMB), kerana penulisan-penulisan sebelum adalah menjurus kepada Negeri-negeri Selat (NNS) sahaja. Di NNMB, penularan amalan menghisap candu berleluasa, ekoran daripada kemasukan orang Cina sejak akhir abad ke-18. Amalan menghisap candu &nbsp;mencetuskan kontroversi disebabkan kesan-kesan buruk yang timbul, terutamanya dari segi kesihatan dan kehidupan seharian. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualititatif dan kuantitatif, usaha yang diambil oleh kerajaan NNMB diperincikan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa usaha kerajaan NNMB memberikan kesan positif terhadap pengurangan amalan menghisap candu dalam kalangan penghisap candu. Antaranya ialah pengenalan Dasar Monopoli Kerajaan, Sistem Catuan 1920, kawalan terhadap penjualan dan pembelian candu, pengenalan undang-undang dan penguatkuasaan yang lebih ketat dan bersistematik. Namun bagaimanapun, amalan menghisap candu masih tidak berjaya dihapuskan dalam tempoh 20 tahun selepas berlakunya perubahan dasar.</p> Jayakumary Marimuthu Copyright (c) 2024 SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DISKRIMINASI DALAM DASAR TANAH GETAH DAN REAKSI ORANG MELAYU DI KEDAH, 1915-1932 <p>The introduction of rubber, a new commercial crop in Kedah, at the tail end of the Siamese protectorate era diversified Malay agricultural activity in the state. Malay interest in the crop grew during British rule, specifically in 1915 in line with the development of rubber planting in the first years following changes in Kedah land administration. However, the liberal colonial attitude was temporary, and they began to implement a more stringent policy regarding rubber land. This study aims to answer two main questions: what was the rubber land policy implemented in Kedah in the period 1915-1932, and what was the form of Malay reaction to this policy imposed upon them during the period in question. This study uses the qualitative method by focusing on Kedah Annual Reports and State Secretary Files to obtain the necessary data. The results of the study prove the Malays in Kedah, especially the lower classes, were successfully impeded from cultivating rubber freely through enforcement of land laws and land administrative practices.</p> Nurizwanfaizi Nordin, Ahmad Kamal Ariffin Mohd Rus Copyright (c) 2024 SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 TRANSFORMASI SISTEM ADAT DAN KEHAKIMAN MURUT SEWAKTU PEMERINTAHAN SYARIKAT BORNEO UTARA BRITISH <p>Sistem adat masyarakat bukan Islam di Sabah yang melibatkan adat Murut serta Dusun telah dikodifikasikan oleh pegawai Syarikat Borneo Utara British (SBUB - selepas ini disebut Syarikat atau kerajaan) sekitar tahun 1907-1908. Kemudiannya apabila menumpukan khusus kepada perkembangan adat Murut pula, ia telah diklasifikasikan kepada beberapa adat utama dalam rekod rasmi kerajaan pada tahun 1917-1918. Perkembangan lanjut memperlihatkan penerbitan buku adat Murut bagi suku Timogun dan Nabai pada tahun 1939. Selanjutnya, sistem adat Murut sememangnya begitu meluas fungsinya sebagai rujukan undang-undang dalam sesi perbicaraan dan penghakiman melibatkan masyarakat Murut, iaitu sama ada di peringkat Mahkamah Ketua Kampung mahupun Mahkamah Anak Negeri (M.A.N.). Kebiasaannya, pemutusan kes perbicaraan bagi masyarakat Murut adalah melibatkan jenis hukuman atau denda berdasarkan adat Murut iaitu sama ada berbentuk <em>‘sagit’</em> atau <em>‘basah’</em>. Secara jelasnya pula, transformasi melibatkan sistem adat Murut daripada bentuknya yang bersifat tradisional kepada bercirikan moden adalah atas inisiatif oleh pegawai Syarikat dengan bantuan pemimpin Murut. Selain itu, peranan dan penglibatan pegawai Syarikat berserta pemimpin Murut dalam pengendalian sesi perbicaraan dan penghakiman yang sistematik dengan berlandaskan adat Murut merupakan antara aspek modenisasi yang amat signifikan impaknya ke atas perkembangan sistem kehakiman Murut. Maka dalam artikel ini, perbincangan awal akan menghuraikan tentang transformasi yang melibatkan sistem adat Murut. Kemudiannya, penelitian akan melihat aspek pemodenan dalam tatacara perbicaraan dan penghakiman Murut.</p> Eddie A.Julius, Danny Wong Tze Ken Copyright (c) 2024 SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 INDUSTRI TANAMAN GETAH DI MELAKA, 1984-1996 <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk meninjau usaha-usaha kerajaan untuk memajukan industri tanaman getah di Melaka bagi tahun 1984 hingga 1996. Fokus perbincangan akan melihat sejauh mana dasar pertanian negara yang telah terbentuk pada tahun 1984 sehingga 1996 mampu meningkatkan kapasiti keluasan kawasan tanaman untuk sektor kebun kecil pada tempoh berkenaan sebelum berlaku krisis kewangan Asia setahun kemudian. Untuk tujuan ini, kaedah kajian kualitatif digunakan untuk mendapatkan jawapan bagi persoalan yang diutarakan dalam penyelidikan ini. Beberapa sumber berwibawa yang membantu sama ada primer dan sekunder seperti Laporan Tahunan, Dokumen Rasmi Kerajaan yang didapati dari Arkib Negara Malaysia, Arkib Negara Malaysia Cawangan Melaka, dan Perbadanan Perpustakaan Negeri Melaka. Tuntasnya, pengenalan dasar pertanian negara semenjak tahun 1984 lagi secara jelas telah membawa perubahan terhadap sektor penanaman getah yang memberi kesan langsung kepada pertumbuhan sektor pertanian negeri. Beberapa strategi pembangunan komoditi getah yang dijalankan telah dapat meningkatkan produktiviti getah.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Industri getah, RISDA, kebun kecil, tanaman, Melaka</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>This paper aims to review the government's efforts to develop the rubber plantation industry in Malacca from 1984 to 1996. The focus of the discussion will be on the extent to which the country's agricultural policy, which was formed in 1984 to 1996, was able to increase the capacity of cropping areas for the smallholder plantation sector in the period before the Asian financial crisis a year later. For this purpose, qualitative research methods are used to obtain answers to the questions posed in this research. Some authoritative sources that help both primary and secondary such as annual reports, official government documents obtained from the National Archives of Malaysia, the National Archives of Malaysia Malacca Branch, and the Malacca State Library Corporation. Finally, the introduction of the National Agricultural Policy since 1984 has clearly brought changes to the rubber planting sector which has a direct impact on the growth of the state agricultural sector. Several rubber commodity development strategies carried out have been able to increase rubber productivity.</p> <p> </p> Hafizi Bin Rahmat, Arba’iyah Mohd Noor Copyright (c) 2024 SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DISEASE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT THROUGH PUBLIC HEALTH INTERVENTION PROGRAM: FOCUS ON ROTARY CLUBS IN RURAL COMMUNITIES OF OGUN STATE, NIGERIA <p>The severity and magnitude of deadly diseases around the world have shown that the management and delivery of health services to the vulnerable populace can no longer be the sole responsibility of governments but requires the support of non-governmental organizations. History have recognized that international non-governmental organizations like Rotary International, which focuses on combating diseases, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and polio, have implemented several health intervention programs aimed at preventing and treating communicable and non-communicable diseases in order to improve health and well-being of rural dwellers. Such measures have also covered a wide range of social interventions that are designed to improve living conditions in rural communities. However, an examination of the existing studies indicates that the Rotary’s activities in Ogun State, particularly in the area of disease prevention and treatment, have not been properly documented. In view of this, this paper investigated the efforts of Rotary clubs on disease prevention and treatment through public health intervention program in rural communities of Ogun State using historical research design. It is found that Rotary clubs in Ogun State have undertaken health education or awareness programs, facilitated blood transfusion, testing, screening and treatment, donated and renovated health facilities, and provided training, counselling and immunization services. It also identified the challenges that the organization faced during the implementation of these programs. The paper concludes that Rotary clubs should intensify efforts to strengthen their health intervention programs to cover the underserved rural areas in Ogun State.</p> Sekinat Adebusola Lasisi, Olawale B. Salami, James B. Odunbaku, Babatunde N. Yussuf Copyright (c) 2024 SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 APPRAISING THE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF ARMS PROLIFERATION ON INTERNAL SECURITY IN NIGERIA <p>The paper placed emphases on the concerns of arms proliferation on Nigeria's internal security environment since the return to civil rule in 1999. It argues that Nigeria’s internal security is under serious threat occasioned by prevalence of conflict and violence, kidnapping, banditry, killing, internal population dis-articulation, and destruction of lives and property in the country. This development can be attributed to the proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW). The paper adopts qualitative research method by utilizing materials from secondary sources of data collection such as books, journal articles, and other sources, The paper noted that the reason why there is insurgency, terrorism, secessionist agitation, electoral violence, illegal mining, rural banditry and porous borders is because of the ease of getting arms and ammunition. The paper recommends effective border policing&nbsp;through the use artificial intelligence in manning the borders. The paper also suggests sufficient regulations for the proliferation of virtual money across the country.</p> Adebowale Adeyeye, Olagoke Awotayo, Olumide Omodunbi Copyright (c) 2024 SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800