Nilai Sepunya Pembentukan Watak dalam Novel S. Othman Kelantan 1960-an The Common Value of Character Formation in S. Othman Kelantan's Novel 1960s
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This study attempts to map the attitudes of S. Othman Kelantan about characters in his novels published in the 1960s. The study of the character is felt to be important because his novels pay enormous attention to this element. The plot develops according to the movements and changes in the nature of the character. Only his characters and certain ones are given deep roles or portrayals. They also exist as a representative of a certain group, not just a small character who can go in and out. The inner exposure of the character with the technique of presenting the stream of consciousness widely in his novels proves that the author's focus on the character is so sharp.
Kajian ini cuba membuat pemetaan sikap S. Othman Kelantan tentang watak dalam novel-novelnya yang terbit pada tahun 1960-an. Kajian tentang watak dirasakan penting kerana novel-novel beliau memberikan perhatian yang sangat besar terhadap unsur ini. Plotnya berkembang menurut pergerakan dan perubahan sifat watak. Watak-wataknya dan yang tertentu sahaja diberikan peranan atau pemerian yang mendalam. Mereka juga wujud sebawai mewakili golongan tertentu, bukan sekadar watak picisan yang boleh keluar masuk. Pendedahan batin watak dengan teknik mengemukakan aliran kesedaran (stream of consciousness) secara meluas dalam novel-novelnya membuktikan bahawa fokus pengarang terhadap watak begitu tajam.
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