Special Issue 1 (2022) Combating disease: Current trends, risk, treatment and prevention

Globally, the prevalence of both communicable and non-communicable diseases has reached pandemic levels. The prevalence of diseases including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obesity is worldwide. With the help of technology, many of the most severe infectious diseases of the 20th century may now be fought. These disorders are conditions that develop over an extended period of time as a result of a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental, and behavioural factors, especially the non-communicable diseases.
The goal of this Special Issue, "Combating disease: Current trends, risk, treatment and prevention" is to discuss a wide range of disease-related topics, including make studies about the current pandemic season public. We specially encourage articles that offer fresh perspectives on medicine, medical systems, and management including epidemiological studies, basic science of local and systemic responses related to the medical sciences, fundamental research in medical sciences in lowering risk, improving treatment and prevention.
All Special issues of JUMMEC follow the exact peer review process as regular papers and are published along with the regular issues of the journal when they are accepted. There are additionally labelled as belonging to a Special Issue and share a particular topic of interest to the scientific community.